Friday 24 February 2017

50/50 Friday - World Building

This meme is hosted at The Butterfly Reader and Blue Eye Books

This week's topic is most / least intricately built world.

Most Intricately Built World

 Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant, #1)

As if there were any competition for me on this one. The world of Skulduggery Pleasant is so well built, that if I traveled to Ireland and ran into the skeleton detective himself, my surprise would be minimal. The author makes it seem perfectly plausible that there's some secret world of sorcerers, and that's just one of the many things that I adore about this book.

Least Intricately Built World

 Halo (Halo, #1)

This was a tough one. Most of the worlds that I've read about in books have been built fairly well, from contemporary small towns to boarding schools for paranormal creatures. While Halo wasn't a bad book (I actually rated it 5 stars) the world-building in the first book wasn't the most amazing thing ever. In the second book it got a lot better, but as for book one, I remember preferring the characters themselves over the actual world.

What did you think about the worlds in these books?
Has my constant praise of Skulduggery Pleasant caused you to add it to your to-read list yet?

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